Yard pARTy
July 25, 2025
A one-day community potluck pop-up art show where community artists are invited to demo, talk, perform, display their work in the gallery and on the lawn.
Experience a unique summer evening of the arts at Yard pARTy. Regional artists share their newest work and experiments, and the community comes to take part and celebrate in a relaxed, enthusiastic environment.
Yard pARTy has included everything from painting, printmaking, drawing, installation, music, dancing, shadow puppetry, and augmented reality. Come see what’s in store!
Barbecue and light refreshments provided, BYO festive beverages/snacks. $10-20 donation suggested but not required — if you can’t afford to donate, please come anyway!
About Yard pARTy
Yard pARTy is a volunteer, self-funded, crowd-funded, and (when we’re lucky) grant-funded project. To help cover the time & costs of event management, advertising, and promotion, please consider donating!
EAT/ART space is a private pop-up gallery from a dining room in Appalachia, run by an artist, for artists.
Special thanks to ETSU’s Slocumb-Tipton Galleries, and Director Karlota Contreras-Koterbay for their partnership.
Additional acknowledgement to Waymakers Collective for their support of past Yard pARTy events.